** Our hearts become weak if we don't exercise them with the energy of Love. **
Carrying Love within our Hearts for All who we come across in our day is
emitting a beautiful radiance that reaches far and wide.
It is another way of placing more healing energy
into this world.
** There is so much noise in this busy world of ours. **
We can Stay in touch with our inner-world by practicing15 mins.
of silence a few times a day, preferably in a place that promotes calm
and has good energy like nature.
Notice the peaceful and soothing blue pond above......
Like taking a visit to the quietude of your Soul.
** A rainbow of colours invigorates the senses and brings joy to the weary. **
A burst of colour exploding and permeating your Being with freshness
and sparkle that enlivens the Psyche.
** A person with a positive outlook will not only benefit themselves, **
but are a Blessing in disguise as they go through their day spreading
this vibrant energy to one and all.
** Turn your life around by making what appears to be a disaster, **
the turning point in your life. Many "disasters" have turned out to be a catalyst
for a better and different path to explore, bringing new insights
and opportunities to fulfill your needs.
** Animals are God's way of increasing Love in this World. **
Their love and devotion to their human family is priceless,
giving healing energy to the lonely and elderly
and filling the void in their life.
Self-Realization opens us to the realization of Oneness
With our God and with the All.
If we do find Perfection on that sacred journey,
then we have found our True Divine Essence.
~ Above quotes all written by Tara ~
Wishing all readers a happy and healthy and peaceful July.
** N A M A S T E **