Hi every-one ~ I just got back from my usual walk to the local shops, only ten minutes, but today I did it
in the torrential rain.......with my walker. I put my 'all-weather' coat on with hood, umbrella over walker,
and off I went. Now, I might add that it had started to clear up ten minutes prior to my departure, but
unfortunately, it started again just as I was about to set off. And, my philosophy on life is - we are here to
experience all types of conditions, afterall, life on Earth is full of opposites - wet and dry, hungry and full,
sick and well, you get my meaning ! So, if I get drenched I know that later at some time I will be dry !!
It IS only water, and beautiful fresh rain at that.
So, walking there I find out that my coat is not exactly as waterproof as I thought ! I arrived at the shops
with coat (bright fuschia) stuck to my clothing as the rain beat right through that Crazy Clark's coat !
Adding insult to injury, the coat had decided to run its colour all over the clothes underneath. I peeled the
wet coat off, saw bright pink streaks mingling with my khaki pants and yellow T-shirt, right to my underwear beneath that. I headed off to the ladies to make good use of the hot air hand driers !
So, there I am in the large disabled loo, stripped to my undies, holding my khaki pants under the hand drier.
I put those down for awhile and started with my rump under the hand drier. I guess you get the picture, but
20 minutes later, I emerge from the loo looking a bit more respectable. The coat ended up in the first
rubbish bin I could find. I headed off to Sam's Warehouse and bought a $2 poncho which turned out to
be a flimsy light garbage bag with fashionable hood, and at least it covered my rump !
I arrived home after as brisk a walk as I could, drinking the beautiful rain drops that poured into my mouth
as I walked along. I had the umbrella opened over my walker to protect my backpack and shopping.
What I learnt today when I was getting round the shops, was that with this ascension process, we can
never say never to do or experiencing anything else again in '3D' as many of us are already in 5D within,
and living in the moment. That's exactly how I have been for some time now, and when life moves you
from moment to moment, you don't miss a single thing that crops up in your consciousness.
Everyday I live in total awareness of what I do and think, and what comes to me through communication
from guides, angels, and higher-self, including all aspects of higher-self. That is the reason I left LWs in
a hurry.........I was guided to leave immediately by several messages that came from different sources
that look out for my welfare, and also my stages of work on other Ds. All of these messages came in
signal form, left ear, with the message put into my mind with a single thought. That is how we have been
receiving our guidance and messages for many years. I did not even ask why, I knew it was urgent, so
I hurriedly wrote a blog called Last Message, let Peter know with a short message also, then deleted my
account. I did not even think twice about all my blogs and teachings I have shared for a couple of years.
After I left LWs, I immediately ascended to a higher consciousness, no longer part of that community
and its mixture of energies. I might add too, that it is not the place it used to be, but that is expected,
as others ascend and grow spiritually. This in turn leaves the ones who are extremely attached to the
site and may never leave..........not a criticism, just an observation. Then you have the unhappy ones
who are always complaining because they can't seem to shift from the 'place' they have been in for a
long time. There has been so many posts shared there to assist people, but the person themselves has to
make the effort. Now, sometimes I post a blog or teaching at a website that has much higher vibrations
and harmony and respect for others is the norm. Very pleasant indeed.
Anyway, I have this blogspot where I can air my daily findings, when I get some, that is !!!
So, if you want to join and leave a comment, we can communicate here, if you wish.
Share your views and share a few laughs as well ! Have a very enjoyable Now, and continue that Now.
Namaste ~ Tara.
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