Written by Marney K. Makridakis
We have all had experiences of wanting something to happen and being devastated when it didn’t, only to realize later that “the timing wasn’t right.” The term divine timing typically refers to the idea that everything happens at the “right” time. In spite of its label, I believe this concept to exist independent of religious or spiritual beliefs.
As we become more trusting of divine timing, we can call upon it at our will. Rae Shagalov expressed it nicely:
“When I am in a hurry, I often pause in the midst of my anxious rush and pretend that I have all the time in the world. I stop, move slowly, do something extra, think more slowly and luxuriously, and remember that all timing is divine timing and happens exactly the way it is supposed to happen.”
My friend Susan Kennedy, known in her books and artwork as SARK, expressed her views on divine timing:
We think we can predict, forecast, or control time, and to a certain extent, it appears to work, but allowing divine timing is a far more powerful force. I’ve experienced this countless times as I’ve tried to “make something happen” by a certain date or time, and then let go and watched as divine timing worked its magic.
Identifying What You Need Most From Time
This ARTsignment allows you to identify what you need most from time.Step 1: Take some time to answer the following journal questions. I encourage you to write your answers down rather than just thinking about them. The act of writing opens up new portals for discovery and pushes you to be more honest with yourself. Take your time, and allow yourself to write “off the beaten path.” Feel free to not only write your answers to the questions but write about the feelings you are experiencing, as well.
1. What do you find yourself saying or thinking over and over, about time? (If you’re not sure, ask a friend or loved one if there is a recurring theme in what you say about time.)
2. How might your life be different if you did not worry or complain about time?
3. Imagine that you could snap your fingers and all your time anxieties would be gone. Who are you now? What is your first thought and feeling about this prospect?
4. What have you discovered about the roles that worry and anxiety about time play in your life?
Step 2: Imagine that you could have a Time Guide who would suddenly come to life before you and remain at your side whenever you needed her. What do you need most from this Guide? What kind of guidance, support, advice, or encouragement do you most need, regarding the subject of time?
Step 3: Begin creating a physical form for your Time Guide, using any media or materials you like. As you work, think about your strongest, most powerful wishes and dreams, and allow that positive energy to become infused in every part of the Time Guide’s being. Bring more and more life to your Time Guide as you flesh out the details of her personality. Does she have a name?
Step 4: When your Time Guide is complete, write a letter to her, asking for her advice. It could start something like this:
Dear Time Guide,
I could really use your help when it comes to Time. I’m feeling...
Here are some more prompts that you could use as you write your letter:
My deepest fear is _____.
I’m really worried about _____.
I really wish _____.
What I need most from you is _____.
Before you close your letter, ask your Time Guide any other questions you may have, or let her know how she can best support you.
Step 5: Situate your Time Guide so that you can look right at her, and read your letter to her, out loud if possible. Read slowly and expressively, so that both you and your Guide can hear the whole range of your feelings. When you’ve finished reading the letter to your Time Guide, take a new piece of paper or a new page in your journal, and now write a letter from your Time Guide to yourself. It could start something like this:
Dear Marney,
I’m so glad you wrote me and shared with me the thoughts in your letter. I want to tell you...
...and continue writing in her voice to complete the letter.
As you write, try not to think, plan, or edit the words that come from your Time Guide. Just allow the words to flow through you. If you get stuck, simply allow yourself to write some reassuring words, the kind of words you really want to hear, such as:
It’s okay, dear one. You’re fine, you’re safe, you’re beautiful. I’m holding you. We’ll get through this together.
Whenever you get stuck, just go back to writing encouraging words, and then allow your pen to keep moving as you unearth what comes next.
Discoveries Made Concerning Time
"I needed my Time Guide to remind me that life plays out exactly how it is supposed to. I needed to be reminded that I have permission to be happy, to be successful, and to be creative. She said, ‘The future is yours...your destiny is unfolding...you will flourish...all you need to do right now is believe in yourself!’” — Patricia J. Mosca
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
New World Library. ©2012 by Marney K. Makridakis
www.newworldlibrary.com or 800-972-6657 ext. 52.
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