Saturday, December 8, 2012

Anchoring Stability Today

Written on 1 December, 2012
by Tara ~

Dear Friends  ~
Previously, we have talked about how Ascension is being done in waves.   There is another reason why it needs to be done in stages. The many Ascension workers are living the process in an energy realm that is fractionally above 3D.  I know nothing about the correct terminology for this space, but it is created so tha the workers can go around among society and do their work in 3D but not of 3D.  

There are many aspects of earth life that need to be cleansed thoroughly and then anchored into earth. This has been going on for decades and what I am sharing today is the anchoring of STABILITY or perfect HARMONY.  It may not have occurred to many who are following the process and watching dates, that a lot of preparation is going on behind the scenes. Take a long, hard think about life and what makes up our daily living, and what is necessary for it to be changed into a higher spiritual way of living, far removed from the scenes of chaos one sees around the world today.

 Realistically, the world is still going through a massive cleansing.  God/Source does not look down 'from above' and suddenly say, 'enough is enough, ready or not, you lot are going up to 5D.....'    Sounds silly?  Of course.  So today I am sharing what has occurred concerning the stabilization of society to happen some time in the future.  
The ascension workers carry the codes of ascension which are activated by the spiritual realms responsible
for its timing.  The workers around the world are the anchors, being in physical form.  We carry the aspects
of  life within our own spiritual world, our energy that is within and around us, and that light within which holds the codes does the processing that we can feel and experience through our physical.  Hence, all of the physical, emotional and financial hardship.  All these aspects of life are being worked through, and when the cleansing is complete, we anchor that aspect into the ascension process.

There is no personal working-out of these processes by the worker's 3D Self.  We surrendered to the higher-self before we undertook the work. There cannot be any interference caused by our desires, thoughts, personal views, etc.   It is all orchestrated by the ones who lead this type of work.

     That is all I can share for now, the words of how to describe this are very difficult to find.
     Stability will be coming, please hold that thought and ignore any dire warnings of otherwise.

     Yours in Service and Oneness, Tara *~~

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