Friday, March 1, 2013
Making Peace With Yourself
Hi Every-One ~
Do you ever stop during your busy day and assess just how you feel inside? Whether you are living each day from your nerves, or from a place of peace? Sometimes I wonder if anyone can be truly residing in peace if they are :
1. Constantly reading the internet about the latest energies,
2. Astrological news for that day,
3. If the Federation is going to land and when,
4. Conspiracy theories from the latest "New Age" flavor-of-the-month person and their website.
5. Any other worries that jeopardizes a person's ability to live in the present and enjoy their life.
Also, a lot of our lack of peace within is due to past relationships either with friends, colleagues, lover, parents, kids, etc The word 'relationship' can be misused as many acquaint it with intimate alliances with others, which of course is incorrect. We can have 'relationship' with any-thing or any-one. It just means to relate to someone or something on a regular basis. We could say that we have relationship with others on websites as friends and acquaintances.
I have relationship with my computer each day because it enables me to meet and communicate with many people anywhere in the world. Anyway, I am going to share an excerpt from Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, from "Send love to, and pray for, your enemies."
" Harboring anger and hatred toward anyone guarantees that YOU remain in low energy fields where
problems will continue to crop up repeatedly in your life. I suggest that you examine every relationship
in which you feel judgmental thoughts of anger and hatred. Replace those thoughts with energies of
acceptance, kindness, cheerfulness, and love. You will have to make a personal committment to, first
of all, notice what you are feeling and then exercise your ability to choose to send love. When your heart
becomes pure, your enemy becomes your friend, or even more significantly, your teacher.
Your worst enemies are your greatest teachers because they allow you to examine the emotions of anger
and revenge and then to transcend them. They give you the exact tools you need to elevate yourself to the
spiritual energies that provide your solutions. " P.120
Just going back to my list earlier, of course it is perfectly okay to browse and read any subject of your choice. It becomes a problem when you have a strong need to check to see how your day is going to be, before you've even stepped outside the door. No one can dictate just how energies will affect another. Being able to live in peace, each or most days, sets up a good vibration for an enjoyable life. If you aren't in peace the majority of the time, then there must be blockages which need to be investigated. Only YOU can go within and try and find out why, of course I'm not speaking of adverse living conditions where each day can be a struggle.
Although, I've lived in many very adverse conditions and still managed to find peace within. I guess it all boils down to working on one's inner-world as well. Contentment with oneself is a wonderful asset to have, and it also assists you/me to ride those huge waves if they ever come again. There is always a place to go within to find peace and love, if you work on creating that space for yourself.
Love and Peace ~ Tara
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