Sunday, April 7, 2013

Express Shamelessly the Love within your Heart

Express shamelessly the love within your heart.

"My dear friends, you are here by choice. It is your choice that you want to be upon the earth, that you want to love the world, that you want to know truth, that you are willing to take the step (the courageous step) into the unknown and the unexpected in order to come to this awareness, in order to at long last embrace the truth, to at long last, my dear friends embrace the love.

"It is not about where you live, it is not anything to do with how much money you make, it has nothing to do, my dear friends, with your station in life, whether you are a car mechanic or a Trance Medium. It has nothing to do with any of these things. It has to do with the way in which you express yourself in each and every moment of each and every day. Are you choosing to bring love to the surface? Are you choosing, when you give someone a cup of coffee, to give it with love and gratitude and affection, to have had the opportunity to give a gift to them? Are you, when you are driving your car, driving with the awareness that there are lives around you, there are circumstances of which you are not aware within those cars around you? Are you driving with sensitivity and love? Are you taking the time to stop to smell the roses (the roses being the lives that are around you)? Are you taking the time to encourage people to love more by allowing somebody respectfully to come in in front of you in line, rather than racing to get ahead of them?

Racing ahead does not make you necessarily the better person. It does not, my dear friends, put you in a better position. But, being the one who is willing to have the patience and the sensitivity and the focus and the balance to allow someone ahead of you, well, it brings tears to our eyes. "In your life the opportunities to love and be loved, to express shamelessly the love within your heart, these opportunities come constantly. They come marching into your bedroom in the morning with your thoughts, the very first ones of the day. How you awaken in your bed, what sort of stage are you creating for your day ahead? My dear friends, what sort of thoughts are you putting in your gas tank in the morning? These thoughts are energy, and they create movement inside of you.

They are the ones that decide whether or not you are going to stub your toe. They are the ones that decide whether or not you are going to get that card or letter from someone you love so very much. They are the ones that motivate others around you. They are the ones that keep you captive and reclusive. It is up to you, my dear friends, as to how you start your day; what sort of thoughts you are going to think. Perhaps you might try on for size a very simple and very selfless thought : 'Good morning world, what a beautiful day!
Thank you, Sun, for rising! Thank you, my bed, my pillow! And, thank you, my ever beatin' heart! Thank you so much, my dear loved ones! I can't wait to greet you this morning! Thank you so very much for all my family and friends who met me in my dreams! I look forward to today! I look forward to today! I look forward, with love!

And so I sit on the edge of my bed and I look into my life, and all I see everywhere today is just love everywhere! I can't wait to greet it! I can't wait, when the mechanic arrives to fix the stove! I can't wait to pump the gas for my car! I can't wait to be in that traffic so that I can look into those cars and wonder about the little roses there that i'm supposed to be a smellin'! I can't wait, cause I am alive and the day is filled with opportunities to express love! I am so excited! I am alive, and I am ever bloomin' with love!'

"My dear friends, that's a challenge for most of you to awaken with that sort of love within your heart, but if you can do it, if you can really allow yourself to unleash this love into your day ahead, you will be surprised at how some things change. The job you are seeking comes to you, the friendship that you desire is there, the family member that you love so very much is suddenly feeling much better today, and you will find yourself in a position where you will never ever feel bored, you will never feel a lack, you will not feel as if you are going to, shall we say, fall down from exhaustion. But, you will find yourself, my dear friends, feeling elated at every turn.

How would life feel in any given moment should you win the lottery at every turn? Wouldn't it be remarkable? Wouldn't it be spectacular to find that every moment of life is a gift, and that every moment of life is filled with the abundance that you are seeking? And you think it's out there, you think it's over there, or you think it's behind you now, but, my dear friends, it's right here, right here today, in this given moment."

--Dr. Peebles

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