Sunday, May 19, 2013

Waking-Up With Clear Concepts

Hi Every-One ~
Just another personal sharing about Concepts - pertaining to our own personal journey of wanting to understand, through our Earth Self, about the many intracacies of Life. Even while living in the Now, I can still mull-over certain aspects of life in my mind wanting to see and understand them better, through my own eyes.

Everything on Earth, and in our Earthly life, is expansive! Just as energy expands, our life and what we understand also expands. Concepts can have different meanings to each soul, but with our own journey we search for clearer meanings. There is so much to learn it is virtually a smorgesbord of delicacies out there in what appears to be an 'ordinary world.'

I try to work with higher aspects of my-Self to teach and guide me in what I seek to understand. I am free within myself to let go of physical worries of this 3D world, knowing that what I need will be provided, and this allows me to focus on expanding my concepts of certain aspects of life.

What I awoke with today was a clear view of an aspect I had been 'working on' within. Why I am sharing this is because it doesn't just come through as 'words' or a vision in my mind, it came through my eyes and showed itself through my vision as I looked outside to a beautiful clear blue sky.. This assures me that it's not just the mind working things out, this is permanent and clear concepts that will stay with me forever.

The mind is like a sponge and can put you through the mill after taking in everything you read, see, and hear.  Trying to work things out only using the mind may not give you the correct answer for You. When I ask a question, think a little about it, then leave it, it allows for space to enter. When the mind is quieted it allows for a higher energy to come through and gives me the answer I am seeking. Now it comes through my vision, seeing the world through different eyes including the many concepts that life has within its complex woven web.

Have a wonderful day  ~  Tara

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