Saturday, August 3, 2013

Going Beyond the Superficial Life

What I have awakened with on this Saturday is the awareness of how much this physical world 'throws' at us in dire and challenging ways. We certainly get tested and tried and wrung out and re-invented (perhaps, hopefully) and we start again the next day. It is the superficial life, the physical life, that seems to take a lot of our energy, emotional as well as physical. Maintaining our 'status-quo' seems to be the order of the day! 

And what has happened to all those magnificent experiences of awakening and awareness of our true-selves, or insights into why we are here in the first place playing our role in this ascension process? I believe it is there when we take the time to find peace in our day, shut off the outside world, and go within and connect with the inner-world that is infinite and expanding. This connection on a regular basis is I think crucial for reminding us about the reason why we incarnated at this time.  The higher spiritual experiences will always be 'saved' and imprinted within our psyche to connect with again when we are not so busy dealing with our daily life issues.

We are all a part of the creation of this new world which will take as long as it takes to come to fruition and replace the outside world we now have. We need to keep ourselves motivated and remember that the earth-changes go on regardless of our opinions and personal assessments of these events. Our job is Us and what we do with the opportunity we have been given to shift ourselves out of physical awareness back into the Essence of our Being.

All that we need is there, within, waiting for us patiently and without judgment. A serene spirit that forgives us readily and waits with love for our attention and reunion with the infinite self.

Have a great weekend,

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