Written by Elshara September 9, 2013
Creator of Starseeds Network
Shared with permission of Author
You are what you have, it is all about connection, perception and
possibility, to make a difference, to change reality, to be and to
experience life, to live and let live, to focus on the self, the all
that you are, the being that is you, you matter, in all things relative.
This is the message of hope and love that all should come to know if
your goal is to align yourself with such a purpose that brings you both
sovereignty and choice to create your own path. Meaning, protection and respect go a long way in this world, be it a
choice or a value, yours is a dream that you share with the people
around you, the environment surrounding you and the interactions facing
you, for that is why you are where you are today. Encouragement is something we all take for granted, let it show you
that others wish to help and guide you to a path they see you active in.
To never be limited, to know where to draw the virtual line and to
establish and accomplish any vision you may have, these are the key
foundation requirements to building a self sustaining society which you
are always welcome to be a part of.
Take care in knowing that you are your own power center, that you
have the tools inside of you to be in command of your life by basing all
decisions you make or have the will and right to make in each moment
off of connection, possibility and relativity where ever applicable,
know that you are a reason for being a reason to help others do the
All things considered, the image projected around you is the image
others see you as, perception is your key to creating new avenues in
life and finding new roads through a path that you are in control of no
matter what happens, as you are just as much a part of something as it
is a part of you.
Where there is a will, a spark of life, a dream and a vision, there
is a way to make it happen, through connection, perception and
possibility, the real building blocks of life itself.
Take pride in being the all that you are and in realizing that the
answer to the eternal question of existence itself comes from the
meaning of purpose within sovereignty.
To act and to be, you need to exist and to exist, you have to become a
part of that which you are to be active in or at least have a
connection to, the more the better, the better the result, the result
being you, in all ways possible.
The eternal blessing upon life itself is to live and let live by
whatever means perception can bring, know the change, feel the
difference and be the result, that is how something so sublime, sacred
and divine can be so simple and powerful to behold from any distance as
direction matters in a place where force is at hand, the force that is
you as is the part of you that exists within all of us.
Anything that is placed in front of you is a reflection of either
personal need or personal experience. Embrace what matters to you as a
part of you, this will give you the means to break the virtual barrier,
that of wanting to achieve something but not having the means to be able
to do it, bringing together possibility, connection and perception in
to reality. Let the growth of a new idea form from such methods to bring
you the prime result you desire.
To be a master, you need to be its reason. to be a reason, you have
to provide something. to do this, you need to be a point of connection
that others can perceptually see through in order to have anything
result from that which a united vision holds true to the reality you
wish to create, change or maintain.
Any force is a force worth keeping, for as long as it is needed or as
long as it wishes to exist. If choice is not an option, change is,
which creates the choice of both reason and experience. Live to let
live, disconnect if necessary.
Life can only accommodate you as far as you can manipulate it to do
so. You are what you have, so let the all that you are project on to
everything you change to let that accommodate you further to achieve any
vision or goal you may have in mind. All you need is a connection to
make it happen, what ever you desire the it to result in. No matter
what, consider blessing as a gift of protection and self assurance, you
may need it through out your life, though it is not a threat or a last
resort, the source inside of you will always see to that as being no
direct alternative to any barrier that cannot stop you from succeeding
in the full manifestation of your vision from possibility to reality.
Just be, two powerful words that say little and mean a lot in life.
Be the it that you so often seek for if you cannot find it elsewhere,
find new ways to express your passion for what you believe in and know
that the only thing that prohibits such a dream from coming true is not
sustaining the source inside of you that will bring you both peace and
understanding to being the all that you are. If choice is not an option,
remember that change is, and change from any direction and or
perspective will give you choice before reality, though choice is not
everything, it is a mirror of another you that is also you if you change
it to be you.
Life is a guide, use it to your advantage if you can and see what you
can build with the experience and knowledge you have at your command.
Namaste ~
Thank-you to Elshara for allowing me to share this article.