Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Spiritual Life Gives Insight

                                            A spiritual life transforms the heart
                                            It gives strength within to change the blows
                                            of physical life into glows of inner-awakening.....
                                            Unlocking the why's and how's and giving
                                            Hope, faith and strength to see our way through
                                            The myriad of challenges that cross our path.

                                             Learning to reduce our desires and constant
                                             Yearning without the inner-learning
                                             Takes us away from our heart-center
                                             Where we cultivate gratitude
                                              For what is already in our life,
                                             And Love and Compassion for All Life....
                                              Including Our-Self.

          Love  ~  Light  ~  Peace
              ***  T a r a   ***


  1. Beloved Tara,
    Your words are the gentle rain that falls on a field long since too dry by a man-made drought; they are cool, soft winds that assuage the searing swelter of an unnatural summer's heat; and when the coldness of a darkened soul attempts to subject my soul to its tyranny, all I need do is think of you and the truth of your beauty, warmth and eternal love fill my heart ♥ Jilly (aka Jiblet42)

  2. Beloved Tara,
    I can't tell you how much you are missed on OV. People keep asking me if I've heard from you. Oh, Beautiful Tara - I do miss you so much as well. I am sending you all of the love my heart can hold, forever and ever ♥ Jilly

  3. Dear Tara I wonder where you are?

  4. I miss you too beautiful soul... happy birthday...
