~**~ The true definition of self-awareness is discovering your higher self and living joyously with that higher self in command. It is the awareness of your inner energy and the higher part of yourself. It is a connection to the divine and all that is changeless. Self-awareness is located in the ground of your self.
~**~ You will become aware of a universal source of energy - You have faith in the universal source of energy. You begin to exercise your ability to make contact with this source and make it part of your daily life. You develop a strong knowing about the God force and your ability to access this energy. You are unable to entertain any doubts about the universal source of energy. You know that all beings are a part of it and receive sustenance from it. You are convinced that all weakness and falsehood come from a refusal to know this.
~**~ You will feel loved - You will call for and accept divine guidance. This vital nourishment is felt in both your inner and outer experiences. Immobilizing fear diminishes as you feel the presence of the divine energy with you. All seems as it should be, even though you may not understand it. You will feel peaceful about what you see and feel. Your desires to right wrongs and fix the broken parts of your life are also part of this divine plan. You pursue your desires to serve God and humanity with clarity and peace.
~**~ You will develop a sense of appreciation and awe. You begin seeing beauty, and feeling awestruck at the magnificence of the universe. The feeling of appreciating beauty is actually the feeling of love when you are divinely connected. That love will fill you with a new sense of power. By focusing your inner energy on the beauty that surrounds you, you will receive that energy from your surroundings. With practice, this kind of receptiveness will become a source of strength and sustenance in your daily life. ~**~ Namaste ~ Love
(Taken from Your Sacred Self
by Dr. Wayne Dyer. )
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