Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Benefits of Self-Nurturing

~*~   Some people cannot feel, within themselves, the self-nurturing feeling when they need it.   To be able to feel that nice warm, comfy-cosy feeling when you rest is extremely important, especially in those times of stress when perhaps there is no one else to lean on for support.   The self-nurturing feeling is sometimes lost when a person has experienced traumatic events, had a stressful life, suffered loss and grief, or had a chronic physical or emotional illness.

~*~   At times throughout my life, especially later in life, after experiencing many losses and chronic illness, I found that I had lost that self-nurturing feeling.    It had been totally masked by years of tragic events which left me feeling fractured within.   I was not even aware of this feeling or its name until I sought counselling.   When life has taken too much out of us and we have neglected showing ourselves tender loving care, our emotional system suffers.     We have not given enough love to ourselves.

~*~   I can imagine that this would also be true of single parents working and raising children.    The focus is not on Self.    I have been frequently reminded by guides and higher-self to spend less time on consciously doing spiritual work because my energies are always going out to where4ver they are needed.    I am sure that most full-time spiritual workers are nodding their heads.    We need to ensure that a good part of the day is spent on directing energies back to ourselves for self-healing.

~*~   A lot of us, called first-wavers paved the way for the ascension energies to arrive on earth, which started at least 20 yrs ago,   Then when the energy downloads commenced, there was another type of work.
At this point in time, we have now reached a plateau where we can stop and rest.   Our physical bodies need healing.

~*~   So, while resting this evening, I was reminded of the importance of this self-nurturing.   I felt very pampered this evening, from the inside out, after focusing my energies on myself for healing.   My light expanded and I went into a state of bliss.    A lot of lingering health problems, which some of us still have, will surely improve or disappear once that focus is aimed at self-healing and self-nurturing.   
Take care.        Namaste Tara    ~*~


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