Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Be Mindful of Thoughts and Actions

                  Namaste dear friends   ~

                 You have probably heard by now about 'mindfulness' and how it concentrates your energy
                 by focusing solely on what you choose to place your attention on.  Mindfulness is used for
                 meditation, healing, staying in peace, a treatment for anxiety, and also for expanding your
                 spiritual light.    Whatever you focus on is where your energy goes.  People whose minds
                 are always busy, working frantically and talking constantly, will always be exhausted and
                 drained and wondering what happened to 'all that energy' they had before..........

                  Mindfulness is taking control of your life.   Your everyday life can be more meaningful and
                  full of energy if you focus on what you are doing in the Now moment.  Yes, it takes practice.
                  Everything worth achieving takes effort, and what is more important than your own precious
                  energy and achieving what you have set out to do each day with calmness and clarity.

                  There is so much going on in the world it is very easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed.
                  That is where mindfulness is a valuable tool which keeps the focus in the Now and not
                  conjuring up all kinds of  'possible scenarios'  of what will happen in the future.  The future
                  is a result of what we do Now with our thoughts and actions, which includes speech and
                  our attitude towards others.  What are you going to fill your moment with?  Each moment
                  is limitless expansion of energy and it is up to each one of us who inhabits this beautiful
                  planet to feed the collective energies with the ingredients for soul expansion and prosperity.


                  Written by Tara ~

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