Friday, October 12, 2012

Daily Inspiration

                                           Embodiments of Divine Love  ~

                                   Empty of ego and aligned with the spiritual principles of love,
                                   kindness, surrender, peace, connectedness, forgiveness, cheerfulness,
                                   and gratitude you get closer and closer to God.

                                   When you realize how this positive energy affects others around you,
                                   you will understand that as we evolve and move forward into a higher
                                   awareness and understanding of Life on Earth, contentment within
                                   will grow leaving no room for anything other than peace and clarity.

                                   What powerful co-creators each of us are when all we need to do
                                   to change our environment is so Be Love knowing that everywhere
                                   we go during our day, we are allowing others to experience these
                                   beautiful energies and perhaps even changing lives.  

                                                              Have a beautiful day ~ 

                                                                  Written by Tara  ~       


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