Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Most Shocking Awakening

                                         ~   A    MOST   SHOCKING   AWAKENING   ~
                                                  STEPPING  OUT  OF  EARTH-SELF
                                                   INTO  SPIRITUAL  REALIZATION

                                                       OF  ONE'S  OWN  DIVINITY

  Dear Divine Friends ~ Nothing can prepare you for your own experience of spiritually awakening to your true-self, your divine Self. There are many messages telling you that you are a divine being, you have unlimited spiritual abilities, you can manifest your needs through various techniques, there are 'alien disclosures' that will awaken humanity, and the list goes on. These are all just words dear friends, because it is not until you step out of 3D created way of life and into your own self-realization that you will begin your journey back to the spiritual being you were before taking on physicality.
Physicality is only a creation for the solid, slowed down world for souls to experience every situation they choose, to advance their souls leading them to this time of great awakening. You, your earth self, does not choose this time. The one who has been overseeing your earth journey, your higher aspect of Self, known as your Higher-Self, will determine this time for you. It is such an individualized plan for each soul, and not being aware of the 'whys' and the 'whens'  is for a good reason.

 At this specific time of earth's evolution you have all chosen to be here to participate in some way. When a  soul is born they soon forget as they grow up where they came from and why! I am sure you have noticed how babies and young children are very much aware of movement around them and of course, their pretend friends, who are actually in most cases Angels and other light-beings who take care of them and also play games and keep them happy and laughing. You would not be able to experience all of the things in life that you came to do if you were fully awakened to your spiritual self. There are a lot of valuable lessons to be learned in a physical world which can build one's inner-strength enormously.

 When the veil of illusion is lifted, individually, there is at first a shocking realization.  You first begin to see, for the first time, just how futile it is to create a new world while still living in third dimension. Every societal
construct is based on who you are as physical beings, living in a physical world.  The physical world, is in  fact, a slowing down of cosmic energies to the point of becoming solid.  
Everything vibrates at a particular speed as it is all energy. Once the individual starts to inquire into a spiritual way of living and stays on that path to self-realization, their energies start to vibrate higher which leads them into more of a spiritual realm within  -  in other words they are reaching up to connect with their true self.

 When the individual continues this way of life in search of a higher truth, a higher way of living than just trying to survive, their every effort is acknowledged by their higher-self. Nurturing this change, the higher self watches carefully and lovingly by giving little nudges from within. It is a very delicate situation and going too quickly forward can inadvertently cause the earth self to backtrack a little. Nevertheless, if an awakening is to happen the higher self knows the exact time to lift the 'earth veil' off and reveal the true self.

 With many, many souls slowly awakening and going forward on their spiritual path through the aid of the Ascension energy downloads over the years,  the world will  become a very different place.No one can predict just what will happen next, but the spiritual awakening will continue in order to raise humanity into the 5th dimension. There are no mass awakenings as each soul has their own spiritual journey to fulfill.  And I can assure you dear friends that when the time you awaken to your true divine self you will never return to being or feeling like  'just another citizen on earth....'    

Love, light, namaste ~ Tara

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