Friday, October 12, 2012

Raising Your Energy Vibrations

                                                 *~*    Practice  the  Presence  of  Spirit    *~*

Practice awareness of the impossibility of being outside the omnipresent spirit.  Some ways of doing this are to remind yourself when you first awaken that this is a day that God/Source will be with you at all times.  Remind yourself that everywhere you are is a holy place.

Every meal you eat be mindful of what it took for that food to reach your plate.  When you make a phone call, drive in your car, or enter your workplace, begin to have this God-realization.

As you practice being mindful of the presence of the divine invisible spirit you will notice a greater sense of peace, a stronger feeling of being safe and secure, a knowing that you are healthy and living from an inner sense of integrity.  These feelings result from simply silently practicing.   No preaching and converting others to think as you do.  Simply realize the presence of your source from which you are never truly separated except in your own mind.

Just by being mindful of the divine presence, you raise your energy field vibrations.  You have to attune to the vibrational energy field of God/Source to be able to receive spiritual guidance.

When you find yourself feeling out of sorts, anxious, or afraid, exercise your mind by inviting the realization of the omnipresence of spirit to be known, now.  Do this in the midst of your fear or anxiety and notice how it seems to be much less troubling.  Some teachers refer to this as practicing mindfulness.  It is a sure way to raise the energy field frequencies into higher realms.  You literally provide yourself with a treatment when you stop to remember and practice the presence of God within and around you.


These are the words of:
Dr. Wayne Dyer  -  from
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

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