Sunday, June 16, 2013

Another Chapter Begins

Hello Dear Friends  ~

Sharing how I see things from my own perspective on this beautiful sunshiney day here in Australia.   It appears another door has been opened to again flood earth and all upon her with Divine Light and Love from higher realms.  I don't name dimensions anymore, as what one feels may not be what another feels, it all depends once again on how much of this Light you can take into yourself to change your own outlook.  
The ascension workers continue working quietly every day on aspects of life that need to be experienced and then transmuted.   Last night, Saturday, was the first glimpse of a whole new chapter in our awakening and integrating higher light and love.   This of course impacts tremendously on our everyday life, but living in the Now, I would not 'forecast' on what, where or why things will develop.  We are creating our lives in each moment in our own time. 

It is divine energy that drives this universe forward and therefore drives our lives as well.   Being in the physical world has shrouded this truth for many who are still steeped within it.   Since human life began on this planet, there has always been souls incarnating from different realms to assist in the frequencies of the planet.   It 'appeared' that we were all plodding along from apes developing into humans, but long before that the earth had highly advanced souls coming and going.  There was a tremendous amount of spiritual energy then but apparently they got attached to the physical world after a while, hence the personal battles to get back to that connection with our divinity within.

One must remember that not all things that are happening with the bringing in of the Golden Age are found on the computer.  When I read the channelings and the comments it is very obvious that over the years folks have formed their own opinions of who the Galactics and Ascended Masters are and what their "Agenda" is !    There are two types of ascension:  one is the internet created one, the other is the real one which goes on regardless of what gets posted on any internet website.   It's a business, sadly, for many channels, but not for all...........there ARE the genuine ones who do have contact with angelic beings and some ascended masters and generously share their messages.

Anyway, today is glorious and I am off to enjoy it with my two divine dogs.  Enjoy your weekend and that extra beautiful light and energy surrounding all of us now.

Love and blessings, Tara *~~

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