Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ascension ~ Moving into Soul-Living

Namaste and Love  ~

The following is shared from my own experiences for the benefit of those who are awakening.

The trials and experiences continue within our ascension path. Some trials can go on for some time before we realize just what we're experiencing is all about. Each soul will have their own aspects of Earth-Self to transcend, which means to be aware of what exactly you need to let-go of that may be keeping you from seeing your Real Self through the eyes of your Soul.

The soul who is ascending will have become the observer of their earth life by now. This is when one discovers they are not just a physical being controlled and manipulated by their senses, emotions and egos. We have begun, at times, to see through the eyes of our Soul. Every now and then, until the physical side of life has been fully transcended, we will continue to visit that part of life where we live back in third dimensional living.

The observer aspect of our Self is still under the guidance of the higher-self, or the highest-self. That higher aspect of our being is the director of our earth play and knows exactly what part of us needs to be spiritually awakened. We cannot bring with us any addictions from living our personality self. Addictions are not only harmful substances that alter our consciousness, but habits that were formed throughout our lifetime, up to this point. Every part of our physical self is carefully investigated by our highest self. There is no "next stage" up from that past way of life until every detail is examined and rectified in a way that does not impede our further ascension out of physicality. If this process is not done, then we can be easily drawn back down into 3D living once again.

The third dimensional world was created for the specific purpose of the Godself to know itself fully from the lowest point of existence, physicality, back to God/Source Essence. Once you have raised yourself sufficiently in vibration, many of these facts are automatically known to you because it is all part of your Soul. The Soul knows everything when in its highest frequency. The levels of frequency, as you would find from one dimension to another, hold and release the information you need because it is already within that consciousness. When living in higher spirit form, we live within our consciousness. This enables us to move very quickly from one place to another through thought form. Thought form is the way of manifesting and the way of travel on the higher dimensions of Spirit, and I might add, the way we communicate with each other as well.

So the ascension continues in a way that is unique to each Soul. The reason we go back and forth in frequency and awareness is because of the lessons and transcending that needs to be done. We need to be completely free to fully ascend, so patience and faith and love toward our higher aspect of Self needs to be remembered. The journey is of course as long as it takes. Being the observer makes it very interesting, I think ! As we transcend another aspect of life, our auras continue to expand with Light. The aura needs to expand sufficiently to make the final exit out of 3D existence. All that hard work is indeed worth it..........

Blessings ~ Tara *~

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