Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Way of Energy

Any small thing you do to change a situation, a place, or your world  from a negative to a positive energy goes a long way in raising not only the energies of YOUR world or immediate environment, but also has repercussions in many different directions.

Let's use a simple example:

You may not like going into your workplace each day because you don't like your co-workers.  One morning you awaken and decide to change your approach. You walk into your work area with a smile on your face.  You keep that smile no matter how the others seem to you.  You have changed your position from negative viewing to positive viewing and maintain your own inner-peace.  

The next day, or even a few days later of keeping that approach, another colleague takes notice and begins to smile back.  In time, the atmosphere changes subtlety but noticeably, and the workplace is not such a dreaded place to think of each day.   A determined effort of a small change can have big consequences over the long term.
This method of initiating change can be done in many life situations, even in caring for Nature. Introducing a higher vibration in any shape or form helps to lift and improve.  Doing something to make this a better world not just for us or our immediate family, but for humanity and the beautiful planet we live on.

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