Saturday, February 4, 2012

Living in a Dream


       Everyday we awaken from a sleep not knowing, for most of us, just where our consciousness took
us while our bodies were resting.   When you look closely at this daily awakening from sleep, one really
can look much deeper and ask the question, " which world is real? "   The world of spirit or the world of
physical earth living?    For the ones immersed in the earth-play, they would undoubtedly say, " this world,
of course. "  

      For the spiritual sojourner who has walked this earth in a state of observance, or mindfulness, it is
obvious that many plays exist at once on this earth plane.   Individual plays, group plays such as working
for a company, and the ones who make all the choices that run our that is another
grand play!    We may wish to ask ourselves, which play do I have control over?   Even our own personal
lives are dependent on outside influences that support our life on earth  -  financially and how much freedom
we have to be able to live our own lives as we choose.  

      Unless you live in a cave, or out in the forest or bushland and live dependent on nature for food,
shelter, etc., there are influences in our earthly life that cannot be ignored.   And, even that is all part of the
earth play we encounter in our waking state.   At least when our bodies are sleeping and our earth consc-
iousness is resting, the other part of our spiritual consciousness is able to  travel and enjoy the non-physical
state of our true Being.  

     I have been told by my spiritual guides that we are not always allowed to remember this beautiful world
of spirit in our night time, because we would never want to stay on earth and fulfill our incarnation.
This is very true and I accept that completely, without a doubt.  So, when we consider the various parts
in this earth play we live out each day, how can we find freedom in the physical world?  

      The journey within our true selves, our spiritual essence, is the only way to find the awareness and
realizations we need to become free.   We may still depend on financial support, jobs, to supply our
physical needs to support our life here, but, it is that awareness, that waking up from believing this life
on earth is our only reality.   This is not easy for many, but for those who have achieved this state of
awareness and deep realization is the beginning of freedom  -  freedom within to begin exploring our
vast spiritual consciousness that is available to every human being.   What magnificent Beings we all are,
and at the heart of all of this is a profound Love that is so vast it could never be completely qualified.
Divinity at the heart of every human being, waiting to be remembered and embraced as our own
True Reality.

Namaste  ~ Tara


  1. Hi Tara, glad to find you here. It's Sue (Susanne) from LW. I had a similar message about leaving forums in a hurry. But am always glad to read your insights and share in your wisdom. I blog at,

    best wishes, Sue

  2. Hi Sue, it is good to hear from you! I am blogging at a website with a higher vibration, The City of Shamballa. Not quite as interactive, but much more spiritual and no nonsense. Yes, that day I got about 4 messages not long after I posted my morning blog. When these come in quick succession as they did, I don't question! They are looking after my interests, and my safety. Our spirit friends can see what is going on 'behind the scenes.'
    So pleased I left now, and I even lost all my blogs of over 2 years, but it doesn't seem to matter, as that was in the past. I will check out that website, but I don't know how much longer I will be on the computer for, I am going higher and higher into divinity, uniting more with higher-self on Earth. Thanks so much for stopping by Sue, will see you soon, love Tara.

  3. Hi Tara, Thanks for the update. :)

    Much Love, Yonatan

    1. Hi Yonatan, great to hear from you.
      Take care, love Tara.
