Monday, August 5, 2013

We ARE the "Second Coming"

Just as Jesus, the man, attained the Christed Energy through his spiritual progress on earth, being annointed
and titled "The Christed One,"  he was given the name of Christ instead of The Christ.   For anyone who understands the reality that we all come from the one Mighty God/Creator/Source, we are all capable of reaching these great heights in spirituality through our conscious efforts and steadfast determination to be free of samsara, the cycle of birth and death.

In the Bible Jesus is stated to have said, "Ye are all Gods."   I have repeated this to door-knocking Christian
sales people who have distorted this message from Jesus, and peddle their own interpretations.   Nothing any
person on earth can say will sway my belief in our divine inheritance.   We are more than capable of receiving this most precious gift of the Christed Energy through our unwavering efforts towards our spiritual progression.

"Christ will return again" is a term which refers to this time on Earth, now!  We are all given the opportunity of ascending out of duality and rejoin our divinity through spiritual focus and shutting out any other distractions that could stop us from achieving this attainable level of divinity. Many have come to earth over the centuries and have attained this state of Oneness with the Christ/God energy, within.
From my own awareness, it is time to move on and move upwards, never looking back at the trivia that held us captive in duality.  The energies of Ascension are a divine gift  -  a divine rope to grab and hold on tight and keep climbing it until we reach home, within.   Everybody has that choice.    It's all up to each individual.

Namaste  ~

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